A Safe and Fun 4th with your Furry Friends

A Safe and Fun 4th with your Furry Friends

It's the big event of the summer--the 4th of July! And with it comes picnics, outings, and gatherings with family and friends. Of course, most of us don't want to leave out our four-legged family members from the celebratory fun!

Remember that what's fun for us two-legged merrymakers, however, may not necessarily be fun for our furry friends. Your pet may well be happier staying at home and indoors rather than experiencing noisy fireworks and crowds.

If, however, you are playing host to a cookout or just feel better having your pet as your date, there are a number of measures you can take to ensure the holiday is as safe as possible for him:

  • Make sure your pet's identification is up-to-date. Animals can get spooked by the bangs and booms of fireworks, and this can cause him to panic and run. Guests in your home mean no harm, but doors and gates can be inadvertently left open, and your dog may decide it's a good day for exploring the neighborhood. Be sure to have a recent photo and current tags on his collar; having your veterinarian microchip your pet offers the highest level of assurance.
  • Summertime brings celebrations...and bugs. These pests are a nuisance to animals as well as humans. Arm yourself with a bug repellent, but don't forget your pet! Many heartworm medications contain mosquito-repellent qualities, but a natural topical solution can also be effective while also being safe for all those people who can't resist loving on your furry friend.
  • No, Rover doesn't need those chicken bones. Keeping your pet on his healthy diet can be a challenge when there's an abundance of barbecue (and guests) around! You may be well aware of the dangers of certain foods and ingredients for your pet, but Uncle Joe may not realize that a chicken bone to a dog is actually unhealthy. Be sure to educate your guests, or if you're the guest, keep your pet close to you at food-related gatherings. Keep a pet-friendly snack in your pocket (or maybe set bowls of them around for guests who wish to be generous to your animals).
  • No, Rover would not like a beer. Alcohol doesn't typically appeal to animals, but mixed drinks can sometimes include ingredients that do. Much like on humans, alcohol can have negative effects on pets. They are much smaller than their human counterparts, so it takes much less to give them a buzz. Too much can leave your pet with gastrointestinal distress, slow and shallow breathing, or even seizures and unconsciousness in extreme alcohol poisoning cases. Asks guests to put drinks out of reach, or try to serve it in closed containers. A trip to the veterinarian due to something preventable is definitely not the way to spend your day of celebration!

Be sure to check out our pet safety products, and enjoy your summer days and the sparkle of summer nights with your furry pals!

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